So here are my picks from Simplicity, McCall's and Vogue. I'm not going to post all the Vogue patterns that everyone else is drooling over. I only liked a few of them anyway but I did see some real gems in the rest of the line-up.
McCall's did have several cute patterns but most looked like patterns I already own. The latest Palmer & Pletsch is worth picking up though.
McCall's 6282

Despite the cute factor in all of the Cynthia Rowley designs, I don't see myself wearing any of them, except for #2857. There were many cute patterns in the Simplicity Spring 2011 release but these are the only ones I bought.
Simplicity 2248 (try this link for a better view)
I love the slimming effect of the midsection and the sleeve options.

Simplicity 2256 (better view)
I can't help it. I like the ruffled collar. I admit that with the wrong fabric, this jacket could go from cute and sassy to clown-ish.

Simplicity 2261 (better view)
I actually bought this one for the tee with pleated trim at the neck/shoulders.

My less popular Vogue picks are all very wearable and (hopefully) won't languish in my pattern drawer for years.
Vogue 8715
I love View B. The simple lines with the fullness in back.

Vogue 8718
I'm still on the fence about the jacket. The sleeves are great but the fullness of the peplum front may make my hips look even bigger. The lines of the shirt and dress are nice.

Vogue 8721
Another great Elizabeth Gillet design for shrugs and other eveningwear accessories. The deep silver/gray button-front jacket is gorgeous.

Vogue 8710
Even DH loves the striped long-sleeve top. I'm not a fan of the big sleeves on the short sleeve tops.

Vogue 8712
I would never wear these pants to work but the pull-on pants could be great for loungewear or even exercising. I'm weird. I don't like wearing shorts to exercise. I prefer capri length or long pants.

Vogue 8714
Definitely wear the jacket open. Just lovely.

Vogue 8722
I just might try to make some belts too!

I need more patterns like I need a broken-down car. I tried to curb this obsession but bottom line...they're cheap, they don't take up much space (at least they didn't until I bought hundreds of them), and I WANT them. Do you watch Hoarders on A&E? They need to start a reality show about people who craft. Come into our homes and find all our stashes of fabric, notions, patterns, books, yarn, etc. Our houses won't be messy. After all, messiness stifles creativity. But the sheer volume of stuff could be funny, embarassing, and a tad sad...just what reality TV is all about. Darn it. Now I need to find something to get rid of so I can make space for new patterns.
I'm going to snag a few of the new Vogue patterns, but I haven't even bothered to look at the McCalls and Simplicity offerings because I already have too many projects and unsewn patterns. I'm also trying to be conscious of my pattern and fabric "hoard" (yes, I've seen that show, and it is disturbing! ).